Allergies and Medical Conditions

We are committed to the safety of our students. Please speak to the office staff regarding any allergy concerns.

Medications and Epi-Pens

  •  If you have indicated on your registration or annual returning student registration form that your student required medication to be kept in the office you will receive a oral medication form at the beginning of each school year. Please ensure you complete this form and return it to the school promptly, as well as send any medication that is to be kept in the office. 
    • Please be sure to collect any medication from the office at the end of the school year
  • If you have indicated on your registration or annual returning student registration form that your student requires an EpiPen to be kept in the office or if one is kept with the student you will receive an Allergy Management Plan Package at the beginning of each school year. Please ensure you complete this package and return it to the school promptly along with a new Epi-Pen
  • If you did not receive the Allergy Management Plan Package you can fill it in here and email it to 
    • Please be sure to collect any medication from the office at the end of the school year

Here you will find a repository of any Medical forms you may need.  All forms below are also available in the Main Office.

 Anaphylaxis Allergy Management Form
 Anaphylaxis Allergy Management Form
 Asthma Management Plan 
 Asthma Management Plan Form
 Plan of Care Diabetes Type 1
 Plan of Care Diabetes Type 1 Form
 Epilepsy Plan of Care
 Epilepsy Plan of Care Form
 Severe Medical Conditions
 Severe Medical Conditions Form
 Request for Oral Medication
 Request for Oral Medication Form